About Us

About Us

Hi and welcome to our blog! We are Sam and Torey Burns. 

We started our life journey together the summer of 2015, and we have had some amazing adventures since! We are from scratch, do-it-yourself, hard workin’ folks who want to share what we are learning from all of our fun projects. We just purchased a fixer-upper farm in Harrodsburg, Kentucky and look forward to turning it into our dream home for our family!

The three words that probably describe me (Torey) best are Catholic, writer, and mom. I am currently writing an adult fantasy fiction novel (someday series). I’m also dreaming up a series of kids books aimed at kindergartners to teach them science, and writing other little books for my kiddos. Lastly, I'm an aspiring home-school mom and homesteader. 
Meet Sam, my amazing husband. He is a brilliant engineer whom I love with all my heart. He dreams big, and he has lots of wonderful plans for us and our future. He soaks up information like a wet sponge, and he loves learning! Someday he hopes to be a hobby carpenter and make nice, hand-crafted furniture. For now, he is working on building up his workshop and fixing up our house with lots of fun projects. 
You’ll probably also see pictures of our two little rascals—Lily and Jacks. Jacks (Dr. Jackson...on the left) is the almost solid black border collie, and Lily (right) is the one with the black and white split face. If you wanted to know one thing about each of them that pretty much sums up their personality, Lily LOVES playing Frisbee, and Jacks enjoys blowing bubbles with his nose in his water bowl.

Meet Rylee, one of the greatest joys in our life! She gives our lives so much more meaning and purpose. Sam and I are learning so much about ourselves, about being parents, and about her. She brings us closer to God and closer to each other. She also teaches us to watch for and love the little things. The world is a new place for her, and it is amazing to watch her grow day-by-day.
Meet William Turner Burns. He was born August 15th, 2020! We just know he is going to love his big sister and enjoy living on a farm as much as we do! 

These pages are sort of a diary for us to look back on as the years pass. It is also a way for us to share with you a little bit about ourselves and about our lives. We hope you like reading our posts as much as we do!

You can also follow us on Facebook, and YouTube. 

Pax Domini cum spirito tuo temper sit,
Torey, Sam, Rylee & William