Summing up Three Weeks

Summing up Three Weeks

The last three weeks have been a whorl-wind for us MinIslanders. We’ve been busy with home projects, and I’ve been terribly busy with school. The home project rush started with us realizing that the chicks were getting too big for their brooder. We had to build a coop to move them into PRONTO. Jacks had a fun time helping out.

Doesn’t it look beautiful!? Sam is SO amazing and talented and wonderful. We found the designs on a Home Depot blog, and we modified it a bit.  This is as much as we have completed right now (if you can imagine a lid on the brooder box there at the end.) The right side completely flips down to make a door. Unfortunately, I am too short to scoop up the skittish chicks, so when it’s time for them to get some sunshine I have to yell for Sam to come scoop them out. When we move them out to the yard, they will have a ladder to use. We have to finish building the frame, then start putting up the cedar siding and trim. Aaand we have to figure out something to do with the roof.

This is a picture of the chicks three weeks ago. They are much, much bigger now. But still, they treat Jacks like their chicken Mama, and he is happy to just follow them wherever they meander to.

Life in the country is beautiful.

We have lettuce coming out of our ears. 

We had a two-day sale of herbs for my department.  We tried to make the set-up cute and appealing to customers. I'd say we were pretty successful overall! (We beat the record…go us!!)

Monster sunflowers growing in the greenhouse. Helianthus argophyllus. Not my project, but they do belong to a lab that my lab often collaborates with. I spent quite a lot of time in the greenhouse the past two weeks. Our latest project just ended!

We invited friends over for easter. We made a double layer chocolate sour cream cake (recipe to come), colored tons of easter eggs, and played a Viking lawn game called kubb. We had a blast! We are on our way to becoming professional Vikings.   

Here is a portion of the eggs we colored. Some of the eggs featured jelly fish, sunflowers, the planet mars, tulips, chicks and bunnies, the galaxy, a lady bug, a purple hippo wearing a top hat, and a blue Shrek with a mustache. 

 I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! He is Risen! Alleluia, yes he is!
