More Chicks?
More Chicks?
Are we crazy? Probably. But who can say no when they are so cute and when there are SO many different kinds that you can get? There's pretty chickens, goofy chickens, little chickens, spotted chickens, chickens that lay pink, green, blue, brown, cream or white eggs, and anywhere from tiny eggs to large. Chickens come in many different varieties. This year, we bit the bullet and ordered chickens online from so that we could get some fun breeds rather than just getting whatever breeds Tractor Supply had left over. We ordered four different breeds:
Egyptian Fayoumi. Two of these. These chickens look like little dinosaur raptors when they are older. They are said to be good foragers, good at avoiding predators, and reliable layers. They should lay small white eggs. They will also start laying around 5 months old rather than the 6-7 that other chickens start laying at.
Silver-laced Wyanodotte (pronounced wine-dot). Two of these. We currently have a golden laced wyandotte, Broody. They lay medium sized light tan eggs.
Easter Eggers. Two of these. We currently have one easter egger, Blue, who lays green eggs. Easter Eggers will lay either pink, blue, or green eggs. Whatever color egg they lay first, they will lay that color for the rest of their lives. Easter Eggers are the mutts of the chicken world, so they often look very different from one chicken to the next. They do tend to have poofy cheeks (muffs) and sometimes beards as adults.
Right now, we have their brooder set up in the sun room. Sam and I were laughing that after three times of getting baby chicks we are still perfecting our set-up.
The chicks thought I was a momma hen and were hiding under my pant leg.
This one is so cute. She likes to cuddle and go to sleep when you hold her.
Pax Domini cum spirito tuo temper sit,
Torey & Sam
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Do you want to eat farm-fresh eggs from happy, healthy hens?
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Do you or someone you know live near Colbert, Georgia?
Do you want to eat farm-fresh eggs from happy, healthy hens?
Check out our shop!
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