The Last Leg of Projects

The Last Leg of Projects

Would you believe me if I told you we were on the last leg of projects? No? I probably wouldn't believe me either, but surprise! We are! Sort of. Count down of projects left to do: touch up interior paint, finish painting sunroom window exteriors, finish putting mulch down outside, put down gravel for driveway, replace shingle on shed, and clean the inside of the house until sparkling. Plus a few projects here and there that are kind of optional... Either way, the end is in sight!

Sam has been laboring on the terribly tedious touch-up (alliteration!) work on the exterior door and window surfaces. Let's just say that in addition to being pretty dirty, they were needing a lot of love.

He took doors that looked like this: 

and this:

and turned them into this: 

Windows looking like this: 

and turned them into this: 

He's magical. I know. It's amazing how a little bit of paint can make windows look so much better. 

In addition to touching up all the windows in the kitchen, living room, spare bedroom, and the garage door frame, he also has been working on replacing door thresholds. I spy an old threshold replaced with a new shiny one!

In other news, Sam and Rylee went with me to school to hang out in my office while I defended my Master's Thesis. I passed!

We went shopping for Sam a suit coat for a wedding and Rylee and I wound up trying on hats. 

Someone dropped a rooster off on our road. Welcome, Wilson (silver laced wyandotte mix).

Rylee likes her sunglasses!

The puppies love their little human. 

Rylee and I have been going for walks in her awesome hiking backpack. It was drizzling this day, so we tried out the rain hood. It was pretty great. 

She thinks it's a pretty comfy way to hike. 

We bought Rylee a life jacket for a trip we didn't end up making. Here's to getting finished with house projects so we won't feel guilty about taking weekend kayaking trips with this kiddo. 

Rylee can sit up all by herself, now! It's so great to be able to plop her down wherever (except near edges, of course. The little squirmy wormy).

 And I made a delicious Blueberry Breakfast Tart that was so large we had to spread it on the bottom of two pans put side by side in the oven. Guess who has an awesome husband that bought her a pan large enough to hold this super long pastry as a graduation

I started a sourdough starter. After the last fiasco a few years back (fruit fly larvae infestation...not a pretty sight), I'd given up on sourdough for a lack of time. Now that I'm a free woman, I thought I'd give it another shot. 

We planted roma beans, pinto beans, black beans, and Goliath tomatoes (shout out to Nene and Papa for the tomato seedlings) in the garden. I trimmed the oregano out of the walkway while we were gardening and this was the result... It's kind of awesome having fresh herbs drying in the kitchen.

We've been using the hiking backpack to hold Rylee in while we do outside work since Nene has left. I could not have graduated without her help these past few months. A big shout out to Nene.

Sam designed a new base for the chicken coop, and the guys at his work were kind enough to help him build and paint the parts. Sam and I assembled it and are waiting for this weekend to put the coop on top. 

She got to try on a new outfit from Ankaye! She was such a doll!

Rylee learned to walk forwards in her walker! (link to video)

She is learning to eat all by herself! (link to video)

She hung out with me on the couch and learned to eat (...suck on) pretzels. (link to video)

Rylee and the puppies are developing their own language. (link to video)

And she loves playing with her Daddy's hair. (link to video)

Last but not least, I want to share with you the recipe for the hands-down best ranch dressing that I have EVER had the pleasure of tasing. Sam has been making version after version for months now, and he still says there are changes to be made, but I convinced him to let me go ahead and put the current recipe up for you all to try. It's so yummy! 

1 1/2 cup of buttermilk 
1 cup of mayo
2 tsp of chives
1 tsp parsley
1/4 tsp dill weed
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
2 tbsp powdered buttermilk

*note, substituting buttermilk for milk mixed with lemon juice will NOT work for this recipe. You need the real stuff. 

1. Combine all dry ingredients (with the exception of the buttermilk powder) together in a coffee grinder, food processor, or mortar and grind to a fine powder. 

2. Whisk dry ingredients into wet ingredients 

3. You can eat it right away, but it will taste better if you let the flavors settle in the fridge for a couple days. 

Pax Domini cum spirito tuo temper sit,
Torey & Sam 

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Do you want to eat farm-fresh eggs from happy, healthy hens? 

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