The Big Day...Will Will Turned One

 The Big Day...Will Will Turned One

I'm over a month late, you say....yes, I am aware. Wait for the next few blog updates coming this week, and you will understand just exactly what kind of craziness is going on in our lives! One of these days life will settle down (probably not). Most of you know that Sam and I have a way of getting ourselves into A LOT!

Here are some snapshots from the day in no particular order. 

Gearing up for the big day. I made signs to hang up, and Rylee wanted to help me color. She also drew her first letter...a 'P'!

Then she drew the Thompson family on the back. I didn't know she had gotten big enough to draw people yet!

I made a blueberry lemon cake for the birthday boy because blueberries are his favorite. We had to take all the blueberries off in order for him to try the actual cake after he blew out the candle. 

A diaper cover just for his birthday! Perfect for our little farm boy. 

Playing on his new toy that Mommy and Daddy made him. 

Singing happy birthday!

Messy mouth!

Our little cutie. He's so handsome!

I think the cake was a success. He loved it! 

Since Sam and I had been building Will Will a present all week, I guess Rylee decided she wanted to make one for him, too. I was working in the office earlier that week, and she came in and said she made a present for Will Will. When I turned around, I found her like this and followed her to see the beautiful mural on the wall. 

Sam installed a GIANT slip-n-slide, equipped with a mini pool at the bottom for the kids. Too bad it started to rain as soon as everyone got there. 

A big shout out to Father Jeff who helped make the main dishes for the party! The food was absolutely delicious. I should have gotten pictures, but I was running around trying to make sure everything got done. I did however make Palmier cookies. These cookies take 6 hours to make, and are SO worth it. 

More to come. 

Pax Domini cum spirito tuo temper sit,

Torey, Sam, Rylee & William

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