Welcome, New MinIslanders!

Welcome, New MinIslanders!

Back track a couple weeks, and we finished the coop!

The garden looks AMAZING right now. But I only have pictures of onions to show you. For our first time growing onions, I think they turned out great! And delicious! And beautiful! We were really happy with them. 

My sister Trulee and her friend Brett came to stay with us for a week! It was so nice having noise in the house again. Sam and I showed off all of our fancy cooking skills in attempts to win them over to the dark side (I mean cooking from scratch side). I think the best night we had was the homemade lasagna night. We made the noodles, we made the white sauce for Sam’s portion, and when we realized that I was short one container of Ricotta cheese….we made our own!

We also attempted to make cheesecake with blackberries that we picked from our yard, but that little experiment didn’t turn out so well. Oh well, first time for everything.

We went on many adventures while they were over. We went antique-ing, we found some super cute skirts at Goodwill, and most fun of all…we went kayaking. With the dogs!!!

They had a blast! Well, correction. Jacks had a blast. Lily hated it.

 It took some getting used to that they couldn’t just step into the water and keep walking.

At the end of the day, we found a wonderful spot just past a dam to go sliding down slippery rock into pools of water. 

It was more fun than we had had in a long time. Until…………….we discovered leaches in the water!!!!!!!!! Goodbye, creek.

 And finally, we have new additions to the MinIsland. There is a non-profit organization on campus called campus cats that is run by the lab coordinator in my lab and greatly aided by my advisor. They catch wild cats on campus, get them fixed and up to date with their shots, and try and get the kittens adopted out to families. They cover the expense of all the vet bills (even getting them fixed), and there is no adoption fee! I met these two bundles of cuteness last Friday, and I couldn't resist taking them home. We had to get them collars with bells because they are expert hiders! They had never met humans until the Thursday before I met them. For now, we have only officially adopted the girl (left) who we named Rose. We are fostering the boy for a week to see if having two kittens is going to be too much to handle. (We seem to be handling it alright for now:) )

 The boy we named Mogli.  Just look at this cute little guy!
