The New Chicks Have Finally Arrived

The New Chicks Have Finally Arrived

We picked up our new chicks on Monday! Officially, we were supposed to only get two olive eggers (they lay green eggs). When we called in last week, they said they had four easter eggers (they lay pink, green, OR blue eggs) left over that we could have. When we went to pick up the chicks, we found out that the olive eggers never shipped and were going to be reordered in two weeks. So we came home with just the easter eggers!

Since we had less chickens this time, we were able to get away with a smaller brooder box. At least for a while. Yesterday I found one of the black chicks perched on the edge of the tub. We will probably move them into the larger brooder soon so that we can put a lid on it to keep them from flying out (and cats from getting in).

We have two black and two white easter eggers!

And now I'm just going to put up a lot of cute chicken pictures for you to look through.

We names this one Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) because she fell asleep in my aunt Heike's hands (she's secretly a chicken whisperer).

Here you can really see their little chipmunk cheeks. Look up a picture of an adult Easter Egger chicken if you get the chance. They look kinda goofy with their puffy cheeks.
