Rylee is Here!!

Rylee is Here!!

Rylee has arrived! She was born Friday, December 7th at 5:35pm. She weighed 6lbs 2oz and was 18 inches long. She is perfect, and beautiful, and adorable, and everything that we could have ever wanted and more. 

Sam, Rylee, and I will be coming up to Kentucky for Christmas. We will be in Lawrenceburg December 17-23 and in Bowling Green December 24-30th (ish). Contact us if you want to drop by to visit our sweet little girl. 

Here are some pictures of her! 

Day 0: 
At the hospital bright and early and ready for our induction! 

One of the first times Daddy got to hold his baby girl. 

Rylee with her Pippa and Pap Pap. 

Day 0.5:
 in the wee hours of the morning. Sleepy baby...

...and sleepy Daddy. 

Day 1: 

Trying out the UK bow her Pap Pap bought for her. 

Rylee had her first bath so we can really see what her hair looks like now!

Day 2: 
Getting ready to leave the hospital. It's really cold outside! 

Everyone is in, and we are ready to head home! 

Day 3: 
Trying out clothes Pippa brought us--pretty sure she threw up on it. 

Snuggles with Daddy. 

Trying to get her to burp for me. 

Day 4: 
Trying out our Christmas bow!

Quote from my siblings: "Thug Life"

She will be a Harry Potter fan before we know it. 

Day 5:
Getting ready to go outside to feed the chickens! Thanks, Mema, for the cute hat!

Pax Domini cum spirito tuo temper sit,
Torey & Sam 

Do you or someone you know live near Colbert, Georgia? 
Do you want to eat farm-fresh eggs from happy, healthy hens? 
Check out our shop!
