The Week Before Our Lives Changed Forever

The Week Before Our Lives Changed Forever

If you've ever wondered what nesting as a father looks like, I'd be happy to show you. Sam was fortunate enough to get the week off before Rylee was born. He used the time to get a TON of projects done around the house while making sure that I stayed off my feet and drank lots of water. 

In addition to cleaning the basement and the garage and installing new fire alarms, Sam cut new foam insulation for the garage door, installed the insulation, bleached the window frames, and reinstalled the windows. 

bleached the dirty garage door


(before from Sam's perspective)

(after from Sam's perspective. Albus and I "supervised" Sam while he worked.)

put up Christmas lights (technically the week before while Trulee and Brett were here. Thanks for the help, Brett!)

installed balusters on the deck stairs

installed the child proof lock on the deck stair gates

picked up all the left over supplies and scraps in the yard from the deck build (most of you don't know how messy it was, but those of you who visited and saw it will know how much better it looks)

(Sam found what we think is a baby copperhead while he was cleaning up. If you know what kind of snake this is, feel free to leave a comment!)

installed recessed lighting in the sunroom (watch Sam use his new Hole Saw here)

(checking for and moving the wires in the attic)

Here's what they look like installed! The light levels are so much more even now. Eventually, we will take down the fluorescent lights and patch the holes in the ceiling. 

 Aaaand rescued Pippin from being stuck on the roof...again... (we finally taught him to get down by himself)

Here's hoping that your year has been as wonderful as ours. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, everyone!

Pax Domini cum spirito tuo temper sit,
Torey & Sam 

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