More, More, More

More, More, More

So this happened....

 If it's unclear, we bought more chickens. The last two years, Tractor Supply has had no good breeds, or at least not pullet versions of the breeds that we wanted. Last year, we were even so desperate (okay, I was so desperate) that I called every single tractor supply (close to our route) in between Lawrenceburg and Athens...nothing. Just the same breeds over and over again that we didn't want. So we bought online this year, thinking it would be the same. Wrong. Sam popped by tractor supply on the day the first chick shipment was coming in, and they had the very breeds that we had been looking for, for super cheap! We bought 3 Welsummers (lay dark brown eggs), 3 copper marans (lay the darkest brown eggs of any breed), and 9 Ameraucanas (lay blue eggs). If you add the 8 chickens we just bought online, and the four chickens that we already have, that brings our flock to a total of 27 chickens.....

I made elephant ears for class. They were the most amazing cookies that I have ever made. I think Nene and I made close to 40, and all of them were eaten by the end of class!

Sam painted the hall bath. 

After a super busy week (including an all-nighter), I took a break this weekend to help Sam finish prepping the garden. We put Rylee in the playpen outside with us so that she could enjoy the fresh air.

It lasted for a little bit, but she got restless, so I moved her to the baby carrier on my back. She doesn't have a sun hat, so I improvised to keep her from burning. Look how cute!!

We finished getting the dirt piles out of the garden, weeding the beds, and laying down landscaping fabric both in and around the garden. Thanks Nene for the help! This weekend Sam is getting help from a co-worker to get wood chips for inside to go around the beds and mulch for flowerbeds around the fence. 

We made mini tacos for dinner one night this week. They were delicious!! And the perfect size. 

Who says you can't have fun wandering around Lowes while your husband gets supplies for house projects?

I made this hat years and years ago and just discovered it again in the top of my closet. Thanks to the cold weather we've been having recently, Rylee got to try it out! 

Rylee's first Ash Wednesday! 

Pax Domini cum spirito tuo temper sit,
Torey & Sam 

Do you or someone you know live near Colbert, Georgia? 
Do you want to eat farm-fresh eggs from happy, healthy hens? 

Check out our shop!
