Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Our first Easter together as a family!

Rylee helped me add flowers to our front door wreath. 

Nene and I made spinach pasta! It was AMAZING!

Baby snuggles...

Easter at CCs house! We have a tradition of throwing hard boiled eggs at the telephone pole (or in Aaron Lee's case, the tree).

Aaron Lee playing with Granger. 

Cousin love

Getting measured!

Modifications to the coop. We put a feed box in the window to free up some coop floor space, and we changed water nipples from gravity feed to spring feed. These save water, and we were able to put them in at two different heights for big and little chickens. 

The new feed box. It's also spill free. The chickens have to stick their heads through PVC to get to the food. No more dumping it on the coop floor to scratch around for it.

So much lettuce and spinach. Remember the year we grew eight beds worth? What were we thinking?

Chickens (left to right: Egyptian Fayoumi, Welsummer, Ameraucana, Production Blue)

Our little princess!

Getting to be a big girl! Rylee's first time in the carseat without the newborn insert. 

Four months old picture

Here's a video of Rylee laughing for one of the first times! (I'm trying out a new format, so sorry if it's not great. I'll try another format next time if this doesn't work out).

Pax Domini cum spirito tuo temper sit,
Torey & Sam 

Do you or someone you know live near Colbert, Georgia? 
Do you want to eat farm-fresh eggs from happy, healthy hens? 

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