A Baptism and a Hike

A Baptism and a Hike

The week before Labor Day weekend, the kids and I got out of the house and went on a hike with Auntie Tru. 

I debated on wearing the hiking backpack on the back to carry Rylee as well, but I was in no way strong enough. So, she toughed it out and walked most of the way. With William not even three weeks old, the hike kicked my butt! But the scenery was pretty and the weather was wonderful. We had a great time. 

Rylee's been teething which means she wakes up crying in her sleep. Seems like she is spending more time in our bed these nights than her own. Still, she's too cute to pass up on snuggles. 

On top of teething, Rylee got her tongue clipped to help her speech before it started to become an issue. She's just now getting back to eating regularly, poor thing. William had his tongue clipped too, but he was over it in a day. Rylee had to be put to sleep with a gas mask for the procedure, which took a total of four minutes start to finish. 

She's been a big help with her brother. She brings me things like diapers, wipes, and blankies when I ask. And she enjoys hugging him, patting on him, shushing him, carrying him (whoops, that scared Momma to death), you name it. Sometimes when I'm changing his diaper, she brings her dolls over to change their diapers, too. 

She's had practice carrying lots of things lately including kittens!

I'm still adjusting to two kiddos, but I think I've finally gotten us into a good routine. Rylee still has to have someone in the room with her to go down for a nap, so we usually spend 15-20 minutes snuggling as a family. 

I've also found that Montessori sorting activities are a great way to keep Rylee occupied when I'm busy with house chores or the baby. Here, she is sorting fridge magnets into the same color cup (with my assistance. She hasn't quite learned colors yet). A similar activity that she loves even more is to pour old soup beans from container to container. Pro tip: put a large cookie sheet under the containers to minimize the spill (note I said minimize. She always makes a mess!)

I also took William and Rylee by to visit their great-grandparents. I think they were happy to see the babies (and meet William).

In other news, William got baptized on Labor Day Weekend. We tried to keep it a small event and held it after mass for COVID19 reasons.  


Despite William's calm appearance. Let it be known that he cried A LOT during the ceremony, poor hungry baby. 

The following day, we decided to drive up to Cumberland Falls for a family hike. 

This hike had even MORE steps than the hike the kids and I took the previous week (yay). Rylee fell asleep on the way and almost missed the pretty waterfall. If we had known to bring our swim suits (and if there had been less people), we may have gone swimming!

Once she woke up and William had eaten, we walked a bit in the cold water. 

It was a good trip! If you are ever near Cumberland Falls, we recommend the Eagle Falls hiking trail. 

Pax Domini cum spirito tuo temper sit,

Torey, Sam, Rylee & William

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